Who am I?

So, I sit here wondering what to say, what to do, how to feel. I truly struggle to find the words to describe this alien emotion. I’m not quite sure what it is or where it came from, it just sort of appeared right here in front of me. Every day is different, not good, not bad. Just different.

Apparently, I’m suffering with depression. Well, so my doctor says. He seems to believe that I may have had it for quite some time and that life has suddenly taken its toll on me. I find this hard to comprehend, how does life suddenly stop?! I can’t quite get my head around how someone like me could possibly have depression. I’m too strong minded to be depressed surely? To me, depression seems like a weakness, a flaw in a person’s mind and ability to function.  I know, that is definitely not the case but I want to be brutally honest with what I thought it was, from my own perspective. I now realise that I was terribly wrong, so totally stupidly wrong. You could call me a c-u-next- Tuesday for even saying that, that’s absolutely fine. But I just want to be as honest as I can.

I have so many questions but yet no answers. How does a 28 year old, working professional with a roof over my head, a job, a fiancé, a dog and great friends suddenly just one day become depressed? If you know the answer then please do let me know.

The honest truth is that I might have an idea as to what the answer is deep down,  in fact, I do know the answer and the answer is very simple…… I am a phoney.

Now wait, I know, this is probably the strangest conclusion you will have ever heard, but it is the truth. I have gone through life pretending to be someone I am not.

Yes I know what you may be thinking, how can I have lived for 28 years and have not been true to myself, more importantly, why? Why can’t I just be who I am and leave it at that. Stop the faking and start enjoying life. Unfortunately, I can’t. Not that I don’t want to, I just don’t know how to and that’s because I don’t actually really know who ME is. Who is Danielle McKenzie? How does she think? How does she feel? What makes her happy? What makes her sad? Why don’t I know who I am?

I feel like a complete idiot. One day I woke up and forgot who I was. Or maybe I just couldn’t continue to play pretend anymore. Who knows? What I do know is that I have gone through life for far too long not being the authentic me, and this has to stop. Now! I can’t carry on this lie any more. It is mentally draining and soul destroying.

I’m not going to go through my reasoning behind my theory now, I’ll save that for the next post. But what I can say is that I am happy to have written this post, just for the simple fact that I feel as though I have peeled away the first layer as to what is going off in my mind, which I know I have needed to do for quite some time and I need to stop putting it off. After all, how am I ever going to discover the real me if I don’t begin the process? So let the search begin.



Author: ditzyd7

I'm not sure who I am at the moment but I'm hoping to re-discover who the real Danielle is!

14 thoughts on “Who am I?”

  1. I feel your pain. I’m going through the same. Check your vitamin D as well, I was deficient and that causes you to forget things. Good luck.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I’m 31 and I’m learning who I am everyday. It’s ok to not know who you are concretely, don’t be so hard on yourself- that’s what life and the experiences it presents is for ☺️. Ride the waves honey bee, and although I know it can be bewildering at times and life can’t beat us down but try to enjoy the process . Even the downs are there to help us learn ourselves. Sometimes the most challenging of times help us to realise how strong we are. Beneath those layers I bet you are a strong cookie. And when you realise that and own it, you won’t surrender to the pull on depression that sometimes tugs at us all. Thank you for your follow 😘 you have mine to. I hope my words were of some comfort to you xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for your kind words, they were of great comfort 🙂 I truly appreciate it. It’s lovely to know that not I’m alone in this. Thank you for your follow too! xx

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  3. I’m sure I’ll only be echoing those who have commented before me, but this is a strikingly honest post. As a reader, I can sense your authenticity, and you’ve delivered yourself so well. Being true to yourself, honouring your truth is the best thing you can do for yourself, IMO. Keep searching, keep writing. You got this xox

    Faye x

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    1. I can not thank you enough for your wonderful words of support Faye. I feel truly privileged that you have taken the time to read my blog. Thank you so much!

      I’ll check your blog now and will give it a follow 🙂


      Liked by 1 person

  4. You say your name is Danielle. I was a boy. Kids at school would call me “Danielle” just to see me get mad. It was a girl’s name, and not for me! Well, years later I went to Peru, and everyone called me “Danielle”. It was normal then. I didn’t mind so much. But then I do wonder about the boy and girl of my graduating class, each named “Randy.” I never asked them how they felt about sharing the name. The “Randy” girl went with myself and a group of other students to a state academic competition. It was like buffet-style academics, except that we did have to take from each. 10 subjects. The girl’s mother had grounded her, wouldn’t allow her to go. Coach called the mother and begged Please…Please…Please let her go. The mother did, but Coach later regretted it. Glad I was never guilty of such a mess. I got mad at the coach for her little white lies all along the way. And life goes on…rubbish mixed with fate mixed with hate from all sides. All we need is side dishes, but those don’t help much when the entree is poisoned.


  5. This is such an honest and thought-provoking post. I can really relate to it. I have depression and anxiety and you really wouldn’t think it to talk to me. We all carry our own struggles. Like you, I think I had been living a lie for so long. It all caught up with me.
    Anyway, I love your voice. This post was brilliantly written. I hope blogging helps you. It certainly helps me xx


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